Mechanic Insurance
As a full time mechanic the majority of your business is involved with either driving, or being in control of customer vehicles. With this is mind our mechanic motor trade product is exactly the cover you are after.

Benefits of Mechanic insurance
This policy cover all vehicles owned by you plus customer vehicles in your custody and control, the policy is perfect to cover you pick up and delivering your customer vehicles – covering their vehicles in your custody from your home address with optional covers for premises address.
In the motor trade you can never be sure what you are going to be asked to repair and we at Crowthorne take this on board offering unrivalled flexibility for trade purposes.
Additional employees, spouses or named driver are not a problem and can be added for both social and motor trade purposes.
If you do vehicles sales on the side or delve into any other occupation this again can be included.
Optional extras
Public Liability and Service Indemnity
Tools in the van
Vehicles at premises
Recovery vehicle with vehicles in transit
Call us today and find out how much you can save 01271 349790!
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