Valeter Insurance
Vehicles valeters may require a motor trade policy just as much as a mechanic, moving customer vehicles when working mobile or picking up customer vehicles for specialist work this policy can be something tailored to you this is again open to full time or part time valeters.

Benefits of Valeters insurance
Cover for all vehicles owned by you for social and domestic purposes and motor trade use with the flexibility of driving customers vehicles for motor trade purposes – cover for high value vehicles which do come a long when valeting is involved.
Cover for vehicles at business premises i.e shopping centres, supermarkets, car wash stations all of this can be catered for.
Cover for tools, jet washes ect in a van – this can be useful for our mobile valeters.
Plus many more additional covers are available.
Call us today for a quote 01271 349790
Other Road Risk polices we offer include: